
Saturday, April 2, 2011

Walk This World With Me....

Back in November before Sandy and I celebrated our anniversary at DisneyWorld, I decided it was a good time to get a pedometer to keep up with how many miles/steps I walk during the course of a day. The ultimate goal is to take at least 10,000 steps during the course of a day, and that's something that's virtually impossible to keep up with unless you have a pedometer of some sort. As I was researching pedometers, I found out that 10,000 is just about equal to 5 miles, so that seemed pretty overwhelming at first, but I knew I could do it, after all I used to run 10 miles a day way back in high school. I guess I've just grown to be a bit immobile in my adult life. I've had a basic pedometer before, but this time I decided to get Personal Trainer: Walking included with two pedometers for the Nintendo DS. I'm sort of a Nintendo fanboy, and I liked the idea of downloading the data from the pedometers into the Nintendo DS in order to keep track of my daily trends. It saves your data over the course of a year and shows you where your weaknesses are. I've had this pedometer in my pocket every day since November, and I've learned a lot about my habits through keeping up with my steps. During our Disney trip, we were averaging between 15-30,000 steps every day, and then when we got back into our normal daily lives, I found out I was really only walking between 3000-4000 steps every day if I didn't force myself to walk. I'll usually walk during lunch and after work now, and I reach at least my quota of 10,000 steps with no problem. I've recently just boosted my goal up to atleast 11,000 steps a day, and the weather is perfect here for a long walk when I get home every day. I'm usually hitting about 16,000 steps a day now. I've also lost 15 pounds since the end of 2010, and I really haven't changed much other than letting this pedometer keep up with my steps. I definitely feel better about myself, and it really helps to have a goal to accomplish every single day. Saturdays and Sundays have been my weakest days, so they're the ones I have to focus extra hard on to meet my goals. 

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